LIFE is the EU’s financial instrument, supporting environmental, nature conservation and climate action projects throughout the EU. The LIFE programme will contribute to sustainable development and to the achievement of the objectives and targets of the Europe 2020 Strategy, the 7th Union Environmental Action Programme, and other relevant EU environment and climate strategies and plans.
Since 1992, LIFE has co-financed more than 4500 projects. For the 2014-2020 funding period, LIFE will contribute approximately €3.4 billion to the protection of the environment and climate.
The sub-programme for Environment covers three priority areas:
– LIFE Environment and Resource Efficiency.
– LIFE Nature and Biodiversity.
– LIFE Environmental Governance and Information.
The sub-programme for Climate Action covers three priority areas:
– LIFE Climate Change Mitigation.
– LIFE Climate Change Adaptation.
– LIFE Climate Governance and Information.
For further information, consult the LIFE Programme web page:
LIFE ECOGRANULARWATER is part of the sub-programme for Environment, Resource Efficiency priority area, Water sector. More specifically, it is a part of the group of projects which aim to develop technologies for drinking water and urban waste water treatment systems, through the use of resource-efficient processes for the provision of water services (e.g. aiming to reduce energy consumption for the treatment and management of water, and water losses) and onsite procedures and control processes to diminish or eliminate discharges of emerging pollutants and pathogens as part of wastewater treatment effluents.
Other LIFE projects in relation with LIFE ECOGRANULARWATER are:
– LIFE SmartWater.
– LIFE B2E4sustainable-WWTP.
– LIFE AgroGestor.