What is the opinion of the population about the Municipal Water Services?

As part of the economic-environmental study, which is doing in the framework of the ECOGRANULARWATER Project, a survey was passed among the citizens of Torre Cardela. The fieldwork was carried out between December 2018 and January 2019. The person in charge of interviewing the population, went through all the dwellings in the municipality. On a population of 759 inhabitants, information was collected from 468 residents.Ver / More

The Provincial Council of Granada introduces the LIFE ECOGRANULARWATER Project in the “X Symposium of Water in Andalusia” (SIAGA) in Huelva

The “X Symposium of Water in Andalusia” (SIAGA) took place in Huelva, from 24th to 27th of October, under the heading “Linked by the Water”, during which the Provincial Council of Granada, as the coordinating entity of the LIFE Ecogranularwater Project, presented the progress of the Project in the modality of Technical Communication and oral presentation. Ver / More

It begins the construction of the full-scale plant for the purification of groundwater, polluted by nitrates, to be installed in Torre Cardela

Once the Laboratory Experimentation of the water treatment Plant has been carried out, the technical team of Construcciones OTERO SL and the research teams of both partner Universities, UGR (Spain) and  AALTO (Finland), have designed and dimensioned all the components that will make up the treatment plant on a real scale.Ver / More

Exchange and cooperation Networks between LIFE ECOGRANULARWATER Project and others Water LIFE Projects

The LIFE ECOGRANULARWATER Project is carrying out the development of Networking activities – networking, exchange and cooperation – with other projects, mainly those co-financed by the LIFE Program and working or having worked on issues related to its scope of action: elimination of nitrates from surface and groundwater, innovative water purification techniques, improvement of the quality of aquatic ecosystems, techniques for the prevention of pollution by nitrates, etc.Ver / More

Identification of the areas with the greatest potential of transferability and replicability of the new purification technology implemented by Ecogranularwater Life project

One of the main objectives of the LIFE ECOGRANULARWATER project is to ensure the technology developed in Torre Cardela will be capable of being transferred to other municipalities and contributes to the purification of groundwater contaminated by nitrates from agricultural sources, with a lower cost than current systems and with a lower environmental impact.Ver / More